Sunday, January 15, 2006

We're Here!!!

And it feels great to be back. This nice lady, Sandy, and the other gals at University Church of Christ in Tuscaloosa REALLY took good care of us last night with a great hot meal and the church hosted us sleeping and showering. Thank you so much!
We attended the services this morning and headed for Louisiana around 9:45.

We rolled into Tammany Oaks around 2:30 CST. It's 70 something, sunny, Football's on, and it's the lull before the GitRDone storm.
The warehouse looks a lot more like a church (after Sunday service), but there is a lot of stuff behind the partitions and outside.
Football didn't last long till we were rebuilding the men's showers that were blown down last night.
Our mission tomorrow is to drywall a house from 4 foot down and drywall 1 side of all walls in the new warehouse leaving them open for inspection. There's a lot of kids here from other places. Will report on that later.

Thanks for your prayers, support, and efforts that have gotten us here. We'll be working hard all week to make it worthwhile!

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