Thursday, November 03, 2005

Still Going and Going And going .................

Hey team we are still at it and God is at work. He is so faithful.

Yesterday I received a call from a church in Springfield Oh who has 750 filled book bags for kids. They said if we can get them to LA we can have them. I am going over tomorrow to pick up as many as I can get in the trailer I have and we will see about the rest from there.

Praise God for all He does and how he supplies.

We currently have 4 people signed up and about 4 or 5 thinking about the December 3 trip. If you are interested in going then please get with me.

There is a lot happening in Mandeville and God is at work.

Check out this new blog (more on how to post to that later). It is our hope that God will provide the time and information to keep it filled with current activities and praises.

I know you are all in prayer. We love you for all you have done and ask that you continue to remember our brothers and sisters in LA, MS and Fl. Pass on the DVD’s and spread the word. We continue to pick up new interest in working in the area and know God will use us.

Also for those who want to be a part of a single massive effort check out

Pray for us and we continue to be thankful and in prayer for you.

Brad Hayes

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Message on Missions - Dr. David M. Faust

David Faust, President of Cincinnati Christian University, spoke at Westerville Christian this morning for Missions Sunday. He taught from Mathew 9:35-38 that we've found applies so well to our effort. For reference, that is:

The Workers Are Few 35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

He presented this lesson so well that I asked his permissions to share it with members of this relief effort and he happily agreed. You can find the MP3s of his talk on the picture site in this folder:

Now everyone gets their own message from any given sermon. Mine was that the calling God has put on my heart is real and will be fulfilled. Many others of you have told me you have the same motivation to spend more time or full time in missions and ministry. While you won't hear it three services in a row running presentation graphics like I did ;-) I think you'll find Dave's talk inspirational too.