Saturday, August 26, 2006

In the News!!!

ONN's blog and coverage of team 17 working

The ONN 30 minute special aired first Thursday night and will air Saturday (26th) at 5pm, and on Sunday (27th) at 10pm. Thanks to Amy, Stephanie, and the gang at ONN for covering the continued need.

And Thanks to the Columbus Dispatch! You'll also find some of Amy's work from Thursday and Friday at these links:

Dispatch covers ONN covering Servants Unite team 17

Amy Backus on their trip from Friday's paper

I also heard this story on NPR Weekend Edition this morning focusing on the effectiveness of non-profit disaster relief organizations and volunteers who have followed their faith to the gulf coast.

listen here

And watch out for Ernesto. It is predicted to become a hurricane and current projections have it aimed squarely at New Orleans.

Let's all pray it disipates.

If it doesn't... we've all got a lot of work to do. Keep watching the blog and these emails for updates. If you can help plan our response to Ernesto or the next hurricane, please contact me at the email or numbers below.

1 Peter 4:10, Mark 12:30-31, Mathew 9:36-38, Romans 12:4-8

John McGuire
614-523-3996 home
614-404-8610 cel