Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lower Lights Christmas House Update

Things continue to progress fairly well and it looks like we may make the Christmas deadline for occupancy on 1057 Bellows Avenue. Today, carpet is being laid, siding is being hung, appliances are going in, and we hope to pass our electrical final inspection (plumbing final is tomorrow).

We are in need of help on Friday and Saturday to do punch out items – everything from touch up paint to cleaning to sealing grout. All skills levels are welcome. We also continue to need assistance in preparing our other property for occupancy – needing painters/wallpaper removal.

If you can help with any of these items, please contact myself or one of the following:
Andy Scott 614-404-5162
Bill Ruark 740-972-1183

I want to also remind you that we are planning an open house/ribbon cutting for this Sunday from 2-3 p.m.

Thanks for your financial support, your hard work, and your prayers to make this possible.

God Bless,

David C Gay
Executive Director
Lower Lights Ministries, Inc.
1066 Bellows Avenue - Columbus, Ohio 43223
614.228.3855 (phone) 614.228.1255 (fax)