This is the site where we are setting up tents to host volunteers from June 15-July 30.
We also ran across several of the Marquette students who the Buffalo group and I worked with in March. They came right back down after finals. Josiah, swimming barefoot cut his foot up on oysters and is hobbling around unhappy. Working relief injured isn't nearly as much fun.
Remember our friends the love bugs from right after Katrina? They come out in May too!
Thursday night was a parent's meeting for the Westerville South IB and Central group. We had a good information session and questions and answers. This team along with Sunbury United Methodist, South Dayton Church of Christ, and New Life Canal Winchester make up a team of over 100 from Ohio working at the camp July 7-15. This week is closed, but others will be available as we go forward and there is interest.
Keep posted for info on Kansas. I may be taking a team the Tuesday after Memorial Day. May not though. Most of the word back is that there really is nothing to rebuild/clean up. Still monitoring though and I'll keep you all posted.
Please pray for those afflicted in Kansas, the gulf coast, and this fallen world. Also pray for a productive Hilltop meeting, strengthened relationships, and the funding we need to pull off all the work we have before us this summer.
John McGuire