Thursday, September 02, 2010


This is a large and powerful Katrina like storm. Likewise the damage it has the potential to cause is similar. If it skips off the outer banks and heads back out to sea, land impact will be minimal, but it's track continues to trend towards land. Running up the coast could subject the entire New England seacoast to hurricane force winds and some surge. While the worst case is not currently in the forecast, if it were to come up the Hudson River, Chesapeake, or other estuaries like Katrina came up the MRGO the result would be catastrophic.

After Katrina, the press tracked down worst case scenarios that actually could be much worse. Among these is a Category 2 or stronger coming into New York City. Transportation, communications, and power would all be destroyed in an area of much higher population density than New Orleans was.


If the worst happens this weekend (another Labor Day weekend storm?) I'll have instructions for how we can help.

Anyone feel like a road trip Friday night?

Servants Unite!