Wednesday, June 18, 2008

News from Iowa

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids.

Des Moines Register

Iowa City Press-Citizen

The hawkeye

Cedar Rapids Update 6/18

We are in contact with the preacher of a church in Cedar Rapids and following up on leads to Serve the City, an organization of church congregations out there who is heading up relief work with city government and emergency management. I'm also tracking down potential work and accommodations with the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief who has been awesome to work with in the past. I hope to have a place to serve locked down by the weekend.

In response to my last email out to the group, I've heard from one person interested in going in a few weeks and one interested in collecting supplies to send out. I have had contact from other groups out of state who are also looking for a place to serve in this disaster.

This is the time to serve folks. We are called as we were after Katrina and closer to home in Bucyrus last summer. We will not be fielding a team Saturday, but we have found the need exists for volunteers and we will be sending help as it is available. Please consider being His hands and feet to people who's lives have been destroyed by this flood. We will also be looking out for physical needs we can fulfill by collecting needed supplies to ship out.

Anyone feeling called to this effort should send me an email or call Melinda at 614-523-3996.

We are also in need of donations and special collections to finance this mission. donation information is available on the contact us page of the web site.

I'll keep you posted as plans solidify.

Servants Unite!

John McGuire