8 houses demucked - $15,600.00
One semi trailer of furniture unloaded and pet cages relocated - $2,300.00
Getting dirty and helping people - Priceless
Bill Niess and the students from the University of Buffalo are on their way home after a hard week of work. They left Chalmette around 2:00 after a half day Friday. Homewood Church of Christ in Birmingham will host them on the way home for tonight and they'll return to Columbus tomorrow evening. Some are heading on home to be back for Sunday morning, and others will be staying at Westerville Christian Saturday night.
I'll be collecting pics and stories from our UB volunteers when they come in Saturday to share with you on the blog and hope to hear from the Ohio State crew during the week next week. Also keep track of the whereisawjesus.blogspot.com for stories from other groups working with our partners in Louisiana!
Something else to pray for. We had one volunteer for the team leaving Saturday. Fortunately Matt McVey's group from Ohio State Ag Science has a slot open and James Harworth will be going with them. Also fortunately, they have a place to stay with our friends in Chalmette since FEMA closed the volunteer camp they were to stay in south of town in Plaqemines Parish. Will the FEMA insanity ever stop?
Our next trip is made up presently of a group from Xenia Church of Christ led by my mother-in-law Nancy Michael. We'll keep you posted on that one too!
Teams are also leaving April 8 and April 16. Get a full list of planned trips into the summer months at www.servantsunite.org by clicking on the "trip dates" link.