Today was a unique day. We spent the day with a family in New Orleans East just east of the 9th ward gutting houses on a cul-de-sac. The family lost literally everything and they had already gutted their house and were coordinating the clean up efforts for all of their neighbors.

While we were gutting their houses one of the ladies came home and began going through her belongings on the front lawn. She says you don't know how trivial everything is until your entire life is in a pile in your front yard.

A quick story today that was so cool. This lady wanted to find a comforter that was from St. Croix that meant a lot to her. She looked for a little while and gave up. Ross and Justin found out that she was looking for something, the dove right in and started looking through this smelly pile of trash.

Ross kept picking things out and showing them to the lady and she would reply, "No honey, it's a comforter." a few minutes later, Ross emerges and asks, "What's a comforter"! And to add to it all, it was an ecru comforter, and a few seconds later, Justin emerges on the other side of the pile and asks, "What color is ecru."

It was a funny situation, but with a very deep meaning behind it. Too many times, we feel we need to have all the facts and information and then decide if we want to help. These two guys saw a need and literally dove right in. We NEED to have that attitude all of the time, not just in a time of crisis. Thank you for your prayers and pray for a safe trip home tomorrow and Sunday.

Love 'Em Like Jesus,
Troy Blair, Youth Minister
Northland Church of Christ
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