Monday, April 17, 2006

Team 12 back and Team 13 in the field

Team 12 returned Saturday around 4:00pm after a successful week. They demucked 7 or 8 houses, somebody lost count :-) That's 7 or 8 more drops out of the tub, but much appreciated by all the homeowners they are helping.

Team 13 also left on Saturday. We're claiming them though they are self funded and organized completely of New Life people. Here's their first report Cindy Schmidt forwarded me this morning

Latest Hurricane team in New Orleans, starting work today. Pray for health & safety, good team dynamics, heart & hope for the people involved- representing New Life are Luke Sutherland, Barbara Kempton, Mark Kieffer, & Laura Friday!

We arrived at Hilltop at about 3pm Sunday. The devastation is more than you can imagine. Unfortunately, I can't email pics but I will get a CD printed up for you when I return. Chalmette is just east of the 9th ward. The entire parish of St. Bernard was under water for 3 weeks. The houses in Chalmette withstood the water, however, some were washed away foundation and all (until they hit into another house).

We drove through the 9th ward and it is total devastation. There is one family in their house though I believe all the homes in that area are condemned. We went to where the levee broke and the force of the water splintered the houses. You just can't imagine.

There are two FEMA trailer camps right here at the school. They are surrounded by 12 foot fences with barbed wire at the top. There are guards at the gates and the people have to stop and checked in. They have not only lost their homes but they have lost their freedom as well. We are SO blessed. I will try and send you notes daily.


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