Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hilltop Camp Setup - Monday

Here are the pictures from today

Mostly this is self explanatory. The tents were finally delivered and they are GREAT! We got to play soldier of God all day setting up camp. We also got final approval for the water line to the camp from the park. Tomorrow Tim Hines is bringing the walk-in refrigerator and freezer from New Orleans and Crossroads is loaning us their large propane generators for power though we are still pursuing a local utility connection.

The first tent took 8 of us 4 hours to set up and it still needs to be "fixed". The second took a little more than 2. The third which is the common tent/dining hall, almost twice as big took 4 of us about an hour and a half. While we are sore, we are getting much better at assembly! This will take quite a while to pack out for an evacuation, but should be doable and something we can put back together at a new site in a couple days depending on the number of people helping.

This site is so great, right on the water with a great breeze blowing all day. If you've been trying to decide whether to come, please do. You will be very blessed to be here working with the people here. There are volunteers scheduled every week, but space is still available for all weeks except July 7-15 when 126 people are scheduled from Servants Unite already. There is also space in Chalmette and New Orleans with IRC and Crossroads throughout the summer to go stay there and work where so much is still needed.

Keep praying for our success and obstacles to be removed from our path.

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