Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Local work opportunity

President Obama recently announced a Summer of Service initiative called United We Serve. This 81 day initiative will culminate with a new National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11, 2009.

Rebuilding Together Central Ohio is ready to answer President Obama's call! In the spirit of United We Serve and the new National Day of Service, RTCO is looking to mobilize 100 volunteers in the greater Columbus region. In volunteering, Americans will be reaching out to impact our neighborhoods in the areas of energy efficiency, sustainability, and beautification.

Volunteer activities will include:
Energy Efficiency Outreach Project
o Assembling and distributing 500 Energy
Efficiency Outreach bags to local residents
Community Garden Maintenance
o Clean up local community gardens, turning soil and
preparing them for the Fall and Winter months
Street Clean Up
o Canvassing local streets for trash, separating
recyclables from non-recyclables

The dates of service are August 28th and 29th. Volunteers will meet at Rebuilding Together Central Ohio's Office and go out into the community from there. The first 100 volunteers will receive a United We Serve - Rebuilding Together T-Shirt and water bottle.

Aaron Murphy at or

Jonathan Duffy at

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