Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti updates/Links

Really great new photos

Please pray unceasing for the people of Haiti and those ministering to them.

Lifeline, a Westerville, Ohio based (stateside) mission who has been active in Grand Goave Haiti for 30 years. I'll keep postings here of immediate needs and when trip opportunities become available. Servants Unite is not funded to cover the cost of international relief trips unfortunately, but people are asking about the opportunities to go.

Doug and Amy Reichley are "two buckeyes in Haiti" They are in Gressier with their new baby boy and working on adopting a Hatian boy. They may have to come home soon if they can get his paperwork in order to come to the US. Amy's parents are setting up this additional organization to fund the rebuilding of a destroyed orphanage in their christian village.

Our friends at the Whites Ferry Road Church of Christ disaster relief organization have been at international disaster relief for 30 years.

All of the above are working, even in this tragedy, to bring people to Christ. Doug and Amy report over 300 people there have accepted His grace and salvation since the quake a week ago!

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