Sunday, November 13, 2005

Couple of Tidbits...

Those of us from Ohio, West Virginia, and North Carolina who've volunteered in Louisiana with this group have so many stories to tell and found so many places where we saw Christ working in the hurricane stricken area. You can share these with the greater population of volunteers who have been working through Tammany Oaks by mailing them to This blog has been available for a week or so at WhereISawJesus is a great place to keep up on what is happening with the mission.

To further illustrate the need for volunteers, as stated in the news article I pointed out last week, large faith based groups are renting facilities planning a multiyear relief effort.

Some new pictures appeared on the sharing site this week (just found them today). These were taken by "Stacey" who I've inquired about further. I built a web gallery of her pics. There are two interesting subjects. They've been working in areas right by broken levies that really are apocalyptic scenes. Also, they've been distributing school and other supplies through schools. You can see an amazing flood of yellow shirts in this work. Her gallery (which says John McGuire at the top of the pages through some frustrating settings in Photoshop Elements) is at:

More people are inquiring about going on trips. On December 3, just under three weeks away, we will see off the next group. Join us in praying for the Lord to send more harvesters to his field.

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