Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A thank you and request from one of our new friends

Editor's Note: Received this today from one of the team members from near Cleveland, Lee Stauffer

See below for an email from Danny and Luca to see where all the Spring Road donated appliances went. This is a picture of Kevin (Ohio), Danny (Slidell) and Lee (me Ohio) and Luca (Mandeville) in front of Danny's destroyed house in Slidell. In case you didn't know, Dan and Luca are the local men who took all the appliances.

We have an effort to accumulate more donated appliances, kitchen sets, boys and girls bedroom sets, as requested by Dan and Luca. We hope to coordinate our efforts with the Spring Road church efforts, for example, staging donations with you and working delivery through your planned trips in December, January and February

We are exploring the possibility of acquiring some low cost used autos, as the need described by Dan and Luca seems great.

October 11, 2005


How is everything going. I tried to call you the day after we had showed you our side of town to see if you needed any help gutting houses. I got your company voice mail, so I figured I couldn’t reach you. We really appreciate the stuff you brought. I have distributed everything to various families in need. I will go through my neighborhood and get a list of things for you. Most have said that they liked the idea of us trying to coordinate the efforts to make a bigger difference.

Many were like I was when we were first talking only asking for clothes, because they do not want to seem selfish. I assured them you all really wanted to help and wanted to know the things that we really need and may be able to continue to use in the future. Furniture and appliances were things that were mentioned. Gift cards to home depot, Lowes, Sears and Wal-Mart also seem like really good ideas.

If this is not what you were expecting from me and I am being too pushy please tell me! I would like to make it easier for you to figure out how to help. I need things just like others, but I see an opportunity to help many with our connection. If you ever have any reservations about anything please let me know.

Just in making the trip down here and visiting with my cousins and I you made a difference. I wanted to let you know that 2 stoves went to a lady that not only lost her house but her rental house that was a form of income for her. One fridge went to my sister-in-law who was living out of an ice chest. One went to my mom who is just basically living with my cousin. One fridge and one stove went to a para from Slidell jr. that is living atop the concession stand at the local baseball field, and the other is going to a teacher who lived on that 1st road we brought you down with all the houses gone. The dishwasher went somewhere, but I don't really know where, because my wife gave it away while I was at work.

I just wanted you to get a small idea of how much you already helped. Tell your friends we thank them tremendously and if they do not mind I want them to send me some copies of the pictures. It takes good men to do what ya'll did and we will not forget it around here. I'll have to send you a mailing address for me, because I do not have one at the present time.

Thanks, you have no idea the difference you are making,

Danny Tullis

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