Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bucyrus Work Proceeding

We're ready for volunteers and project work in Bucyrus again. Here's the update from Crawford County EMA I received today.

Great success this past week. The call center made some 250 calls the last few nights, FEMA has over 300 cases that they are in process of handing over or contacting individuals. A large cleanup was completed last weekend by a Lutheran group out of New York. The paper just hit today with the front page reading residents are to call with damages. The article was not clear on who should call so we will be taking more calls for Case Workers over the next few days.

Case Workers have even been closing a handful of cases this week with simple purchases like a freezer of washer. It appears we will do another weekend of cleanup not sure how many cases we have at the moment. When you know you have people wanting to come give me a heads up and I will see what cases are open at the time for you. Deb McCoy is the Volunteer coordinator her home number 419-689-9799, she will be able to coordinate lodging and cases. We will have work orders by end of this week for which we will complete for each case and will be used to track progress of residents. It is fully working now just coordination of the work as it comes in. It does not appear that the cases will hit all at once as they just keep coming through steady like 5-8 a day.


Tim Flock
EMA Director
Crawford County

You can contact Deb McCoy directly if you choose, but I need to keep track of the volunteer hours we are spending there and I have resources available to reimburse you for any materials that are needed.

Housing is available at Camp Michael, near Bucyrus.

To volunteer or ask questions, please send me an email or call my cell at 614-404-8610.

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