Sunday, February 10, 2008

Flooding and Tornado Info

This past week, Tornadoes, large and many, destroyed lives and property. Hardest hit was Tennessee. Nearly 60 deaths were recorded. One storm stayed on the ground for 50 miles cutting a swath 1/4 mile wide. Servants Unite will not be mounting a response to these storms as they are almost without exception handled well by local governments, churches, and organizations who are equipped for that spotty, yet still devastating scale disaster. Some churches in effected areas are mounting an effort, however. You can find some listed on our partner organization's site, Also, there, you'll find statistics for their work in California wildfire relief late last year.

I'll continue to monitor the situation and will post updates as they happen.

Ohio has seen nearly every kind of extreme weather as well. Flooding earlier in the week for the areas where we assisted last summer was less severe than it was then. Local officials are actually expecting to work in other counties who still have flooding concerns as the swell of water flows out to Lake Erie and the Ohio River. You can see current weather advisories for our state here:

Ohio North
Ohio South

If you live in effected areas or can travel there to help determine the need for assistance, please contact me immediately as I'm laid up with the flu, probably for another few days yet. My contact info is to the right. County EMA office contact information is here.

Your prayers for all those effected and the work the Lord has on our plate are valuable. Though we weep for the victims of disasters, we give thanks for the opportunities we've had to serve and witness to victims and volunteers and to show God's love for them giving Him the glory. We pray for discernment and the human relationships to continue to develop that will allow us to be in the right place at the right time for His plan. Amen.

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