Sunday, February 10, 2008

Upcomming Trips

Adult leaders knowledgeable in construction, feeding volunteers, driving, or helping to organize trips are needed for our two scheduled spring break trips. Trips will be largely populated by college and high school students which can be problematic with the self sufficiency required by our new partner arrangements. Please consider taking one of these two weeks to serve with the volunteers who continue to flock to the disaster for spring break rather than hang out on the beach. These will be some of the most impressive young people you could meet.

March 8 - March 14, University of Buffalo Student Christian Fellowship will be making their third annual trip. We had 45 people last year and maybe more this year. I had the pleasure of spending the week with this group last year and I don't exaggerate when I tell you they are the future leaders of our church, our country and our world. I do confess, they make me feel old ;-)

March 22-29 (or 28th) is the week that most all schools around the Columbus area are on spring break. My family will be leading a team down that week and we invite you to join us. High school students are invite to attend with a youth leader from their church, or a recommendation from their youth minister. Middle school students are invited to attend with a parent or responsible relative. Of course anyone else who would like to go this week will be indispensable to our efforts.

We also need funding to cover these trips. Our account balance is at $2,600. These trips will cost much more than that when we consider the cost of rentals, food, board, and fuel. Please appeal to your churches to help support these teams so that Servants Unite can continue to provide a cost free opportunity to sample the mission experience. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and 100% of our funding goes directly to connecting volunteers to disaster victims in His name.

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